To ensure you continue to receive SAP related information properly please add to your address book or safe senders list. If you're having trouble viewing this e-mail please click here to view it in your browser. | | |  | SCN: The Social Network for SAP Professionals | | | | | | January 25, 2012 SAP Developer Network Newsletter ABAP, SAP Mentors and more! | | | | | | Letter from the Editor: Renewal in a New Year 2012 promises to be a year of renewal. In this issue, Vishal describes the big, ongoing renewal of enterprise landscapes driven by SAP HANA, mobility and cloud. SAP HANA brings power and simplicity to IT by replacing a traditional database. 2012 will bring the SCN community a renewed platform to provide a better professional social networking environment. The new SCN will simplify the landscape, pull taxonomies together, and provide easier ways for SCN members to communicate and collaborate. 2012 also brings, as you can see, a renewal of the layout and look of our SCN newsletters. We think the new layout reflects the spirit of renewal at SAP: simple and powerful, clean and accessible. We hope you like the new design as much as we do. Sincerely, Keith Elliott Editor-in-Chief | 1. | ABAP Trilemma In this blog, Elvez describes how the ABAP development triangle — performance, security and design — can be used as an agreement between developers. If you're just getting started be sure to read Coding and Performance Tips for New ABAP Programmers, SAP Technology Analyst, Nabheet Madan, offers tips on reusable code naming conventions, maintainability and performance optimization. Read more on ABAP development on SCN. | 2. | NetWeaver 7.1 Process Integration Troubleshooting Guide With this How-to guide you'll learn tips for analyzing problems associated with Process Integration (PI). It describes where to find information in error situations and how to trace problems. And, it covers troubleshooting information for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 including Enhancement Package 1 (EHP1). For more, read this SAPInsider article, which explains the grounds of SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestration. | 3. | A Renewal of Enterprise Landscapes The renewal of SAP's architecture, and consequently that of our customers, will be driven by an in-memory product called SAP HANA, which together with mobility, cloud computing, and our principle of delivering innovation, is helping to simplify enterprise computing. This renewal also promises to dramatically improve the performance of businesses without disruption. Read more in this new blog from Vishal Sikka, Member of the SAP Executive Board. | 4. | What Is an SAP Mentor? SAP Mentors are part of an engaged global cohort nominated by peers in the SAP Community Network and selected by SAP. Watch the video to learn more about SAP Mentors and the value they bring to SCN. Then be sure to read The Technosocial Network, where Sanjay Khanna talks to Ray Kloss, SAP's Head of Marketing for Australia. | 5. | Good Riddance After years of participating in the transformation of the SAP NetWeaver R&D organization into a Lean and Agile one, SAP Senior VP Bjoern Goerke shares what he learned from undertaking such a massive change in an organization of 2,000 people. See why he declares "good riddance to overworn assumptions!" | 6. | How to Create Complex Business Entities Using the Gateway ODATA Channel Some business objects, such as Sales Orders or Purchase Orders, consist of header and line item data. In this article, you'll learn how SAP NetWeaver Gateway can be used to create and expose a service that allows for the creation of these business objects. Then check out other SAP NetWeaver Gateway How-to Guides on SCN. | | | | Benchmark Your Organization's 'Mobile Maturity' Get your mobility technology scorecard. Compare your company's mobile strategy to your peers – are you leading or lagging? Take this short survey and get your personalized mobile apps and mobility management scorecards along with recommendations from Aberdeen. | | | Follow SAP | | | This promotional e-mail provides information on SAP's products and services that may interest you. If you prefer not to receive e-mail from SAP in the future, please click on the Unsubscribe link. | | | SAP AG, Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16, 69190 Walldorf, Germany
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