Our records indicate that you have an account with the SAP Community Network, but you have not logged in recently. Please follow these simple steps to retain your membership:
Please confirm your SCN membership by logging in:
- Go to www.scn.sap.com
- Click on the Log In button
- Provide your login credentials and accept the Privacy Statement and Terms of Use.
See image below. If you have forgotten your username or password, there is an option for you to retrieve and reset that information.

As you know, SCN is SAP's place to engage with other SAP professionals – over 2,000,000 unique participants per month! And now you can also use Social Sign On with your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Google log in credentials to access the community. In addition, when you to log into your Social Sign On accounts you will automatically be logged in to SCN! To learn how you can use Social Sign On, check out Gali Kling-Schneider's blog for the details.
If you have multiple SCN accounts, an email will be sent to you for each of the corresponding accounts. Please respond only to the email for the account you want to keep. If you have important content in multiple accounts, respond to emails of all accounts that you want to remain active. We don't have the capability to merge accounts at this time.
If you encounter any problems or difficulties, contact us via email at sapnetwork@sap.com. There is always someone there who is ready to assist you. We look forward to interacting with you on SCN!
Kind Regards,
SAP Community Network Team