Re: [sap-log-mm] MD04 Error

Reply from hello on Jan 13 at 11:03 PM
this error is caused mostly by a date/qty typo on planned prod order or snp order if you are using apo. To fix it you need to find the higher level bom material that has this typo and fix it then rerun mrp on the lower level material with the error.

adeel -

---------------Original Message---------------
From: rory.goodwin
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 2:29 PM
Subject: MD04 Error

We had a similar issue that was caused by a typo in the delivery date of a specific order. We have also had it when planning production beyond the end of the current calendar. Look at the dates in your planned and production orders the the material carefully. Also find the appropriate factory calendars through the production order, operation overview, find the WCs involved, go to the Capacities tab in those WCs, drill into each capacity category to find the relevant calendar(s). Look at them with SCAL. Depending on how many calendars you have and how you use them, it could be a calendar issue.

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