RE:[sap-log-mm] Ship To address changes (so --> outbound delivery)

Posted by Typewriter
on Jul 30 at 6:14 PM
Hi Marc,

After much testing (and reading theory), I have got it.

With regards to changes done in the Street address of SH To in a sales order, there are 2 PARTS.

Part 1 - Changes do NOT come through -
You have created a sales order, then created a delivery.
In table VBPA, Address indication for WE is Dand address # is say 83630 .

Now you go to VA02, Header level, Tab Partners, change Street / House number. Save sales order.
In VL02N, check the delivery SH To address - there is NO change. (it remains the original)
In table VBPA, Address indication for WE is now E and address # is say 9000000748 .

Part 2 - Changes do come through -
You have created a sales order, then in VA02 you change the SH To information (Street / House #). Then created a delivery.
In table VBPA, Address indication for WE is E and address # is say 9000000749.
The delivery shall have the changed SH To information.

Then you go to VA02, AGAIN change the SH To address (i.e. Change2) in the sales order. Go to VL02N, you shall see that Change2 has automatically come through to the delivery.

So, in part 2, when ever you change SH To address in your sales order, the change shall be automatically updated in your delivery.
The reason for this is - in my understanding -
In table VBPA, Address indication for WE is E and address # is STILL 9000000749. Thus system is checking E and 900000749 both are same as before, thus NO delivery split, NO problem; the SH To with change2 is transferred from sales order to the delivery.

When SAP consultants did tests in accordance to Part 1, there was no automatic change in SH To address is delivery. That is correct.

I suggest - for this particular case - you delete the delivery and after doing changes in your order, create a new delivery. The changes shall come through.
After that any number of changes done in the sales order, those shall come through to your delivery. (Of course all this is with condition that invoice is not yet created, as discussed earlier)


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Typewriter
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 12:05 PM
Subject: Ship To address changes (so --> outbound delivery)

Hi experts,

Recently in SD forum there was a query -
A sales order and outbound delivery are created. User then goes to the sales order (in VA02), in header level, Tab Partners; he changes the Street/House number of Ship To.

Shall these changes made in the sales order then go through to the (already created) delivery? (i.e. street/house number of SH To at header level).

I had tested this a few days back and the changes were going through to the delivery. But testing it recently, the changes are not going through to delivery. I do not understand why this change in test results.

Please help,

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