Posted by
Sap Land
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Reply from wnash7658 on Mar 5 at 2:05 AM Well it is telling you that your GL account requires the "Plant" and MM-MIRO is not giving it to you. Since this sounds more like an FI requirement then I would talk to your FI consultant about doing an FI substitution or BTE (FIBF / BERE) transactions. I think something like T_BSEG in the function modules. Also note Plant will appear in the GR/IR accounts. Further, depending on if you have New GL active, you could consider using an old function called "business areas". Mark as helpful. Regards Waza
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Bishnu Dey Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 9:35 AM Subject: Error: Field Plant is a Required Field for G/L Account 3000 281900 - Message FM808 Hello, I am facing the above problem when doing logistics invoice(LIV) by MIRO. The problem contain in: Additional account assignments (plant). For loss/gain we maintain two G/L which Accounts groups are P&L: Debit-231900 Loss from invoice receipt small differences(MM) Credit-281900 Gain from inv. receipt small differences(MM) Now we need to maintain the plant wise when we do MIRO (Logistics invoice-LIV). Can anybody advise me? Thanks and best regards. Bishnu/26.02 | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |
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