To ensure you continue to receive SAP related information properly please add to your address book or safe senders list. If you're having trouble viewing this e-mail please click here to view it in your browser. | | |  | SCN: The Social Network for SAP Professionals | | | | | | February 21, 2012 SAP Technology Innovation Newsletter Developer Center for UI Development Toolkit, SAP HANA Momentum Continues and Dipping CHIPs into ABAP | | | | | Letter from the Editor: Innovation Never Stops During recent months we worked hard to capture SAP's technology vision in a concise and easy-to-read paper. We've delivered it with the first edition of SAP Technology Vision paper! Topics such as mobility, big-data, analytics, cloud, virtualization, user experience, security and business networks are all covered. Don't miss Vishal Sikka's visionary foreword on how new technologies drive business innovation. We also invite you to read Bjoern Goerke's blog about TGiFriday – an innovative experiment that already shows creative results in Bjoern's organization. Innovation never stops. So stay tuned, because the next edition of the SAP Technology Vision paper will be coming soon! Sincerely, Anne Hardy VP, Developer Evangelism at SAP | 1. | SAP HANA InnoJam Online Contest 2012 – Phase Two Just Started! Thank you to the community for more than 80 great ideas that were submitted for the SAP HANA InnoJam Online Contest! The creators of the ideas will get free access to SAP HANA and a chance to win a 3-day trip to Hana, Maui! Check out the blog on "Getting the Best Out of Your SAP HANA Testdrive" as well as what's next for the SAP HANA InnoJam Online Contest! And don't miss the SAP Developer Center for more tips. | 2. | SAP NetWeaver Gateway Plug-in for Eclipse The SAP NetWeaver Gateway plug-in for Eclipse is an SDK that enables developers to create applications that consume data from SAP systems via OData services exposed by SAP NetWeaver Gateway. The toolkits for Java SE and PHP are available for download. If you're interested in integrating Apple Siri with SAP NetWeaver Gateway, read Paul Aschmann's blog, then check out the SiriSAP plug-in on Code Exchange. | 3. | New Developer Center for UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 Available The UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 supports developers in creating fast and easy User Interface Applications based on HTML5 and Javascript. The new developer center contains learning material, a trial version of the toolkit for HTML5, documentation and control libraries. Check it out! | 4. | SAP HANA Momentum Continues in 2012 Whether you're new to SAP HANA or actively engaged with an SAP HANA implementation, you'll find great content on the revamped Experience SAP HANA page. Download the latest SAP HANA whitepaper, which explains the revolutionary approach that SAP HANA architecture takes to business data processing. Then access the powerful research from IDC and read the blog about the first SAP HANA Tweet Chat, which was the most active #SAPChat with 56 questions within 60 minutes. | 5. | SAP CIO Oliver Bussmann at CES - Mobility and the Consumerization of IT With the business and consumer worlds melding (or colliding, some may say), it's only natural for an enterprise software company like SAP to make an appearance at an event dedicated to consumer technology – namely, CES. See Oliver Bussmann at CES talking about mobility, then see Oliver interviewing SAP Imagineer Denis Browne about "Bring Your Own Device Strategy." On this same topic, the Partner Delivered Mobile Application program has just wrapped up its second wave, introducing seven new apps to SAP's growing mobility portfolio. | 6. | Dipping CHIPs into ABAP… with Web Dynpro ABAP Page Builder Learn about Web Dynpro ABAP Page Builder! This is a new tool that lets you create pages consisting of gadgets (called CHIPs). With Page Builder, you provide your users with a well-structured overview of their daily work and an entry point to all transactions and applications they need. Your users can also easily adapt these pages to their needs. Read this paper and Create Your Own CHIP-Catalog today! | 7. | New Version of Quick Sizer Available The Quick Sizer (SMP log-in required) is a Web-based tool designed to make the sizing of SAP solutions easier and faster. With Quick Sizer, you can translate business requirements into technical requirements. Quick Sizer Version 26 is live now and associated resources include: SAP HANA Rapid Deployment Solutions, SAP NetWeaver BW powered by SAP HANA FAQ, and the In-Memory and SAP HANA area. A sizing workshop for beginners will take place March 26 and 27, 2012. Register for course ADM115 on the SAP Education Registration page. | | | | Starting the Journey Read about Jeff Word's plans to make the next SAP HANA book available and how he wants to get one million people to read it – faster, better, cheaper! | | Share this Newsletter! Tweet It! Are you a member of Twitter? Want to share this newsletter with your followers? Here's a tweet you can use to pass it on: Great content in this new edition of SAP's Technology Innovation Newsletter! G_12_TECH_INNOVATION _NL_FEB › | | | Follow SAP | | | This promotional e-mail provides information on SAP's products and services that may interest you. 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