Posted by
Sap Land
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Reply from Ramses728 on Feb 22 at 11:52 AM The batch split function in the delivery includes a batch selection screen and an availability check. In addition, batch processing is linked to the SAP Classification System, enabling you to select batches according to classes and characteristics. In Materials Management (MM), you can specify basic data for each batch, such as Available from and Expiry dates, and data about the origin of the batch. To carry out batch split in a delivery, proceed as follows: 1. In the delivery, mark the item for which you want to split batches and choose Goto > Item > Batch split. You see the following overview screen for batch split items. 2. Choose a batch by using batch determination. The system proposes the corresponding quantity, which can be assigned to a delivery item. 3. Select the batches that you want for the delivery item and press Copy. 4. Either copy the quantities the system suggested or enter the appropriate quantities for each batch. The open quantity is decreased by the assigned quantity. 5. Choose Back to return to the delivery overview screen.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Henmc Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 2:52 PM Subject: How to set an Inbound Delivery to allow Batch Splitting during Receipt to IM Hi Guys, I need to know if there's a set-up in SAP where an inbound delivery would accept a batch split during receiving to IM. Or, allow an inbound delivery to be received via MIGO with a batch number either auto-created by the system or inputted by the user. Also, if the quantity received is less than the delivery quantity in the ID, the latter should not be flagged as completed. You ideas/assistance will be highly appreciated. | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |
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