Posted by
Sap Land
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Reply from johnandy on Jan 12 at 4:10 PM On a Sales order we have multiple lines, and for each line many times we have multiple items to ship with different dates. The solutions suggested unfortunately will not help in our case. With this understanding does anyone have other ideas on how to retain the original promise date for each item shipped? (Currently if we need to re-schedule we will over write the original date with the nw because we don't know any other date fields to use). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: johnandy Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 12:27 PM Subject: SAP Customer Order Dates We want to be able to maintain our original promise dates to the customer. We're looking for date fields that are available in SAP (like Original Promise, Current Promise, Manufacturing Promise etc.). Are these available in SAP? Thanks! | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |
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