Posted by
Sap Land
Saturday 17 December 2011
Reply from ha_tran on Dec 17 at 8:54 PM Hi, Was your condition record for EDI message type defined as vendor-specific?. Is it correct to understand that for a particular vendor, the same error happened to all SAs? Cheers, HT
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Philip Kreilein Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 4:04 PM Subject: ME84 NAST Records Not Being Created We are upgrading to ECC6.0 from 4.6C. I am creating purchasing schedule releases using ME84. For some vendors where I have the output defined in MN11 as EDI, when I generate the releases in ME84 I get an error 06 857 No Message Record Found. We've determined that there is no NAST record being created. It is random as I can have one vendor output in MN11 defined for EDI and it generates the schedule releases, and another vendor where the NAST records are not created. We made a copy of our 4.6C and upgraded it to ECC6.0. The configuration has not changed. I can also take a vendor with the MN11 set to EDI, change it to email, and then it will generate the releases. I've searched in OSS and can't find anything. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you! | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |
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