Posted by
Sap Land
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Hi, What I meant was that when using the user exit to support the release procedure, you will use the custom field (in this particular case USRC1) to capture the actual PO value being calculated in accordance with your custom rule and against which the release strategy is determined. Cheers, HT
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Kunwar Rao Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 11:51 AM Subject: Release Reset for any Change in PO Dear All, I have requirement to reset release for any change in PO once it is finally approved. The change may include anything ranging for lower total PO value any kind of text(header text, terms&Conditions) etc. I have searched a lot on internet and found one Exit for the same 'EXIT_SAPLEBND_002' which is also recommended by SAP. Once I tried to put break-point to check how it works, it behaved in a very strange way and removes the release from the PO. Once I deactivate Release strategy tab appears again..How should I use user fields from CEKKO structure to achieve what is required? Do I also need to do anything at IMG level while using CEKKO customer fields. So anyone can suggest why it is so? Anybody if done before and can help in with sample code would be highly appreciable. As I searched a lot on net so as many suggestions I did create a characteristic using CEKKO-USRC1, assign it to class , then implement the following code E_CEKKO = I_CEKKO . if ( sy-tcode eq 'ME22N' ) and sy-ucomm eq 'MESAVE'. I_CEKKO-USRC1 = 'Y'. MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_cekko to e_cekko. e_cekko-gnetw = e_cekko-gnetw '0.01'. endif. But nothing results fruitful. Thanks in advance. Regards | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | ha_tran SAP Logistics Material Management Top Contributor
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