Posted by
Sap Land
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Hi Paul Thanks for the reply. My problem is the contract with the vendor is at a fixed monthly price of 10,000 and he has agreed to supply all the materials we need from him at this fixed price. I may use 10 or I may use 100. So at the time of the goods receipt I have no idea what a unit cost would be and at the time of issue I have no idea of what the final number for the month is, so unable to change the unit price each month in any order (I am proposing no PO as the vendor is responsible for deciding how much stock to send me, hence the 501k GRN movement). FI want the charges direct to a WBS for these stocks and hence Logistics wants the stock as vendor managed but with no self billing and no charges when finally issued. I have played with Free of charge info records but in conditions they seem to suggest that you have to order some at value to get some free ones. I want to only have free items on the info record so no FI docs are created or any self billing docs - the stock is zero valued while in consignment and if I issue it should also be done at zero value. Thanks for the suggestion, Mark
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: VFRMark Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 1:28 PM Subject: Free of charge Vendor Consignment stock Hi everyone, My situation is that our business has agreed with the vendor a monthly fixed price for a material no matter how many we use. We supply stock data to vendor weekly and the vendor deliveries stocks as we need, Vendor owns the stocks until such time as we use them. Hence finance is proposing a generic Framework PO for the monthly bill (no GRN match is needed) and I am thinking of Vendor Consignment stock for the Free of Charge weekly receipts from the vendor using 501 K movements (it seems logical as we do not own the stock till its used and then its FOC). But I cannot find a way to set up vendor consignment info record which allows free of charge deliveries and therefore does not generate any financial movements or postings or invoice liabilities (a 501k movement has a mandatory info record) Any help is appreciated Mark | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |
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