Posted by
Sap Land
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Dear All Please explain me, I need to setup a system for the following : 1_Procuring materials for a Projects (Q) 2_Procure the Service for a Project with Account Assignment (P) and Item Category (D) 3_Procure the Asset Material for a with Account Assignment (A) 4_Procure the Asset Service with Account Assignment (A) and Item Category (D) 4_Procure the Materials for a Cost Center with Account Assignment (k) 5_Procure the Service for a Cost Center with Account Assignment (K) and Item Category (D) Dear Experts, can you please detail me What are the settings need to be done in system to achieve those as mentioned above from 1 to 5 to make a complete MM Cycle right from PR to PO? Any commitments will be created if a create a PR for a Project Material with Account Assignment (Q) or any during creation of Material using Account assignment (A or K). ? If yes where i can go and see the commitment immediately after making the PR as well as PO? Heard that PR with Account assignment are all related to Consumption Posting. But in our case, we are making PR for a Material using Accnt Assgnment: Q for bringing the material to a Project Stock. and later doing goods Issue.. At what stage the Cost of the Material is getting booked to the Project, whether at GR or GI or Invoice time Similarly, for Service what is happening, when the Actual cost of service is getting booked. Suppose, for example. SES maintained for a PO in the Last Month. Say Last Month period is closed in the System. Now found that the SES done is wrong and need to be edited, so no way we are forced to do those changes in the next month. What things to be noted before addressing this scenarios. Why the OME9 (Account assignment Category), account modification is used. Where this field to be maintained. Also need to know, This Account Modification is used only for automatic posting to G/L account while GI postings only. Please dear Experts, Please help me..... Regards Kalyan | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |
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