Posted by
Sap Land
Monday, 20 June 2011
Hi, You can be able to flexibly set different vendor number for different partner function in both vendor master (and then PO through vendor master). As soon as this is available in your system, then you have achieved your objectives. Cheers, HT
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: kalyan Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 6:50 AM Subject: Partner determination in Vendor Master and Purchasing Document Dear 1_When the Partner schema determination is really required in a Business 2_Under which Scenarios, Partner determination in Vendor is used. 3_Under which Scenarios, Partner determination in Purchasing Document is used. 4_Whether Both has to be done parallelly to get the desired output I performed the following activities, considering my business requirement as My Ordering address is different than the Vendor Used in PO. But the Invoice Party same as Vendor. Account groups * Created a New Account group with external Number range assignment * Assigned a permissible partner roles to this New Account group Partner Roles * In the partner settings for Vendor master Record, I used the existing Partner Schema L1 [Vendor], . Later Assigned this Partner schema L1 [Vendor] in the field PSEKORG against this New Account group only. * Created a Vendor [A0123] Master with the New Account group. All the Partner function assigned to the Account group gets copied. for me OA / VN / PI are the partner roles appeared. Notes. For me the OA vendor alone is different. For VN and PI, it is same as Vendor Master Number. * In Partner Setting for Purchasing document, I Used a Existing partner Schema by 0002 and Assigned the Partner Schema to the Purchasing document types. * Created a PO with this Vendor {A0123], All the partner Roles [ Or Partner Functions] gets copied from Vend Master, ie like OA with different vendor [A0124], VN [A0123] and PI [A0123]. Since my intention of Following the above steps, is for making the Ordering address to different Vendor than the Vendor used in PO. Now How / Where can i confirm that system settings done as per above are correct or Not. Please, I dont know how this Partner determination works...Also if my Invoice Party is different than the Vendor, then How / Where can I confirm that system settings done as per above are correct or Not. | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | ha_tran SAP Logistics Material Management Top Contributor
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