RE:[sap-log-mm] Need some original thinking about material packaged in different ways

Posted by emmanuel_leclainche
on Jun 21 at 11:05 AM
Maybe using the contracts (me31k) and making POs referring to those contracts?

---------------Original Message---------------
From: alisam58
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 8:03 AM
Subject: Need some original thinking about material packaged in different ways

Hi All,

Here is the scenario:
we have material that can come in different packages. Our vendors, might be allowed to deliver this material packaged in a certain format and not in another so we would need to be able to block the delivery of this material/vendor combination, only if the material is packaged in that specific way.
The company does not agree to create different materials for the same material packaged in different ways so we need to be creative.
example: assuming I have material 1234: this material can come in bags of 10 kg, 35 kg or 100 kg.
from vendor ABC we only accept the format of 35 kg
from vendor CDE we accept 10 and 100 kg....and so on.

we do not want to create material 1234 for 35 kg and material 567 for 10 kg etc.
we would like to have ROH material 123 and be able to distinguish the packaging to be able to check it against the supplier who often does not have ERP.
any ideas?

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