Re: [sap-log-mm] Unsure of Matrl type to Use_Order w/ & w/o Material to Stock

Posted by sudhi
on Jun 10 at 4:35 AM

Just wanted to know the maximum no. of features and the possible combination of features that you would be including in the base widget.?

Say for example : You have a base widget + 3 features, you can make a specific BOM and include the price incurred in it ( along with the base widget ).

You can find the Material type ( IBAU -? Maintenance assembly ) to be useful in this case.
Hope it helps.


---------------Original Message---------------
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 12:39 PM
Subject: Unsure of Matrl type to Use_Order w/ & w/o Material to Stock

Hello...Here's what I'm trying to accomplish.

We will provide our customers with the ability to buy a BASE widget. They will also have the option to add FEATURES to the base widget. Example: 1 base widget + 2 options to be integrated into the widget.
Clarification: Think of it as a computer you order and say you want a DVD drive and Bluetooth card added to your base level computer.

Twist - We will not be manufacturing the items. We will take our customers order and then order the unit from our supplier. Our supplier will integrate [the features into the base unit]. This is my dilemma. The BASE widget, I assume will be setup as a Finished Good in SAP (we will receive that material), but the FEATURES would not be setup as RAW MTRLs as we would not be stocking these items. They are installed into the base unit at the supplier.

How do I setup these feature PNs so that when OUR order entry person enters an order that has a BASE widget PN + FEATURES PNs ordered, it will drive demand so that our Purchasing department will procure the Base with features integrated into the unit but still allow accounting to invoice for those line items.

I was going to test the DIEN (services) and HAWA (Trade Goods) types for the features, but really am not certain if this is the best path.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!


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