Technology Innovation Newsletter

1. Enabling the Internet of Services
2. Security Shouldn't Impede Cloud Computing
3. Technology Strategy at SAP: A Graphical Representation
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SAP Technology Innovation
  In This Issue:
1.   Enabling the Internet of Services
2.   Security Shouldn't Impede Cloud Computing
3.   Technology Strategy at SAP: A Graphical Representation
4.   Scope of Semantic Technologies in Enterprise Applications
5.   Sybase Unwired Platform 2.0
6.   The Road Ahead for SAP Consultants: The SAP Mentor View
7.   What Is "SAP NetWeaver Gateway"?
  May 25, 2011
  Letter from the Editor:

Letter from the Editor:
SAP HANA InnoJam 2011: Developers Turn Winning Ideas into Code

At SAP DKOM (an internal SAP developer kick-off meeting), over 12,000 SAP employees met at 20 locations worldwide to explore, learn and discuss the latest ideas from SAP R&D organizations. Before DKOM, a few hundred of them connected and competed in the SAP HANA InnoJam competition.

Here's how it started. In January, Vishal Sikka invited all SAP employees to propose ideas focused on SAP HANA. In less than a month, SAP employees generated 625 ideas!

I was part of the jury that reviewed and rated the ideas. Yet what was most important wasn't the raw idea, but its implementation. And while I wished we could use all 625 ideas, we had to limit the regional competitions to twelve teams per location: Walldorf, Bangalore, Shanghai and Palo Alto. The 48 highest-rated ideas competed at the SAP HANA InnoJam regional competitions. In a 30-hour long event, the winning teams transformed ideas for HANA into real working code! At last, we emerged with twelve winners, who continued to the final competition at SAPPHIRE NOW in Orlando, Florida.

Find out why HANA changes the game for enterprise applications. Read the blog from SAP Mentor Thorsten Franz, sharing his views on HANA InnoJam in Walldorf and DKOM. Then, see all the exciting results from SAP HANA InnoJam in Walldorf, Germany, SAP HANA InnoJam in Shanghai, China, SAP HANA InnoJam in Bangalore, India and SAP HANA InnoJam in Palo Alto, California.


Kaj van de Loo
Senior VP, SAP, Technology and Innovation
  1. Enabling the Internet of Services  
    The "Internet of Services" represents a commoditized, Web-based, on-demand model for delivering services. To facilitate this innovation, SAP Research recently created the Unified Service Description Language – a platform-neutral language for describing services that would help make this vision a reality. Find out more about USDL-What It Is and Where It's Leading the Service Industry. You can also download the USDL Editor M4 from SAP Research and see the Internet of Services website.  
  2. Security Shouldn't Impede Cloud Computing  
    Security should help businesses reach their goals, rather than prevent them from becoming "best-run" businesses – particularly as they transition to cloud computing and on-demand apps. The River security team knows this first-hand. Read how the River Security Team transitioned to cloud in Security Does Not Have to Block the Transition to Cloud. See also Martin Raepple's blog: Security Chapter for Best-Built Applications. Then, get additional information about SAP Virtualization and Cloud.  
  3. Technology Strategy at SAP: A Graphical Representation  
    In this three-part series, Kaj van de Loo, SVP at SAP, uses a whiteboard to explain how customers, partners and other SAP enthusiasts can engage in the definition and development of SAP's technology strategy. In part 1 and 2 , he describes SAP's overarching technology strategy. In part 3, he covers strategic topics such as on-device, on-demand, and new technologies such as In-Memory and Gateway. If you want to read the full story, look at SAP Technology Strategy: Getting Started.  
  4. Scope of Semantic Technologies in Enterprise Applications  
    Read this new article about the scope of semantic technologies in enterprise applications and listen to a related podcast: Semantics at SAP. Understand the ways to extract, author, store, and manage semantic content. In two blogs, Learn why Apple computers don't taste sweet and From Apples to Products, which discusses FindGrid software. Finally, learn Why Machines Can Learn from Peanut Butter Sandwiches.  
  5. Sybase Unwired Platform 2.0  
    The Sybase Unwired Platform Developer Program launched the 2.0 release at SAPPHIRE NOW. Videos of pre-release boot camps and workshops are posted on SDN. Find additional videos on YouTube, including: Basic Customization of SUP 2.0 Hybrid Web Container Apps in Java Script, Liquid Analytic SUP 2.0 Sample Apps and Liquid Analytics Code for SUP 2.0 Sample Apps. To read more, see the SUP page on SDN. Also check out the mobile area page on SCN.  
  6. The Road Ahead for SAP Consultants: The SAP Mentor View  
    SAP Mentor Jon Reed presents a new podcast that covers such key skill areas as HANA, In-Memory, Business Intelligence, Business ByDesign, as well as ABAP development. For more details, see the "HANA versus Watson" interview with Vishal Sikka.  
  7. What Is "SAP NetWeaver Gateway"?  
    In an effort to bring SAP applications to every environment, tool and device, SAP has been working on a new product called SAP NetWeaver Gateway. SAP NetWeaver Gateway is designed to help developers create applications that connect to SAP software in short development cycles. Read about SAP NetWeaver Gateway on SCN.  
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