RE:[sap-log-mm] Can you recreate a serial number under a new item number?

Posted by ha_tran (Senior SAP Supply Chain Business Analyst)
on May 18 at 10:35 PM

No, it isn't feasible to get the same serial number for more than one material ID. You can only get one material ID with multiple serial numbers.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: abeausol
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 9:38 PM
Subject: Can you recreate a serial number under a new item number?

How can I adjust down one materiel number (MMR#) that is serialized, and adjust up a different materiel number with the same serial number? Can I have duplicate serial numbers for different materiel number? If not, how can I delete/deactivate the old serial number so I can proceed?

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