Re: [sap-log-mm] Base Unit Of Measure for Consumer products

Posted by PMassey48
on May 25 at 5:26 AM
Hi Tmorizane

The message does not say that you cannot set the BUOM as EA, it is a piece
of advice that is probably not fully clear.

What it should state is that in the case of, say, conditioner, you should
not use the base unit of measure EA for "each case" when you might which to
have the smallest unit of sale as "each bottle". In this case you could use
the BUOM as EA for the bottle and an alternative unit of measure for the
case (you may wish to have some customisation if you have "case of 10",
"case of 20", "case of 50", etc.....) as in such instances you may wish to
split the various case size into the unit of measure for each bottle for the
purpose of sales. But in this instance the smallest unit of measure possible
for any process should be reserved for the BUOM EA. In such instances you
should define the alternative units of measure and the relevant conversion
factors in MM01 which will allow you to set the purchasing unit as any of
the case sizes through the purchasing conditions. To take this a little
further, if you have bottles of 50cc and 100cc, the smallest unit of measure
would be "CC", although from a commercial viewpoint I can understand that the
marketers would want to track the sales of the 50cc and 100cc bottles as
two separate products.

I hope that this clarifies the semantics.

Paul Massey

07921 850396

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Tmorizane
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 2:16 AM
Subject: Base Unit Of Measure for Consumer products

I am considering the Base Unit Of Measure of Consumer product (ex, Shampoo/Conditioner/etc..). I will set BUOM EA (each). But I found the message from this site. Please refer to the following URL. My question, why we can not set EA as Base Unit Of measure for out product?

1. ALWAYS set the base unit of measure for a material to the smallest unit that can be used. That is, don't set it as FT (foot), but set it as IN (inch). Never set EA as base unit for something that can be divided and consumed in smaller quantities.

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