Posted by
Sap Land
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Reply from Denise Michaels on Mar 14 at 12:37 PM It depends on how material pricing is set up. If moving average, buying a material which is sometimes free and sometimes valuated will result in a lower moving average price. If they are always free the moving average will adjust down to zero, and accounting docs will either not be created or will be for zero $. If standard prices, then whenever free materials are received, you will get a GR posting for the difference. Likewise if you are selling free of charge and the material moving average price is zero, no postings to cost of sales, but if it is standard price (or moving price with a nonzero value currently) there will be postings to cost of sales.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Conrad van der Meer Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 11:38 AM Subject: Free of Charge Purchasing and Free of Charge Sales w/ Valuated Stock Our customer has asked us to investigate the following scenario; a vendor supplies Free of Charge materials which will be sold also as Free of Charge/Promo items. So far no issue FoP PO and FoP Sales can be configurated. Our customer wants to have all stock valuated. so Price Control 'S' and a Standard Price will do. I don't know much about finance but I do know this will have impact on various CC/GL combinations. Does anyone of you have experience with this type of scenario's ?? Can somebody explain me what will happen in Finance when we do as described above? | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |
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