Re: [sap-log-mm] Why can't I run LSMW - run batch input session (Step 14) successfully?

Posted by diptithakur
on Jun 7 at 2:34 AM

First of all please let me know whether you have completed 3,4 & very imp
5th process properly or not?
If suppose you forgot to maintain the *Field Mapping and Conversion
Rules*the problem raised by you could occur.

Also please check step 11 and 12 is executed properly or not. if the step 5
is maintained properly system has to convert the data...

Please check and revert

Thanks & Regards

---------------Original Message---------------
From: ethanquek
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 2:23 AM
Subject: Why can't I run LSMW - run batch input session (Step 14) successfully?

I'm executing a LSMW and have stopped at Step 14 (Run Batch Input Session) as when I try to Process the batch input in foreground, the data in the tab delimited file didn't get written into SAP. I find it strange as LSMW could read the data in Step 9 (Read data). Why is this so?

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